Learn about ACEs

“The experience of supporting difficult personal stories in a network-level meeting nurtures all participants to bring their authentic self. Modeling this safety and support in the meeting is an affirmation of this group’s work.”

- Learning Series Participant

The Santa Cruz County ACEs Network of Care Learning Series is a 6-session program made possible through a grant funded by the Office of the California Surgeon General and the California Department of Health. The sessions are developed in collaboration and consultation with leaders from the county’s Health Services Agency, Human Services Department, and two other ACEs Aware grantees – the Health Improvement Partnership (HIP), and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital/Stanford Children’s Health (LPCH). This collaborative planning process will ensure that the Network of Care sessions complement other local ACEs Aware grant activities and result in greater integration of the ACEs framework into existing collaboratives in Santa Cruz County.

The learning series is designed to educate the community and interrupt the harmful cumulative effects of ACEs and toxic stress. Across 6 sessions, participants explore a range of topics dedicated to understanding the roots of ACEs, discovering community-based approaches and learning how we can work together to implement sustainable solutions. Below you will find session recordings, slideshows, and information from each learning series so you can be apart of the ACEs Network of Care.